
100+ new (r)audio philes ... [2]

march 12, 2006.

event :: on tuesday morning, march 14th, Raudio will create and record a special 'open air market' mix using the vintage audio play back equipment on show and for sale in mr. Okhuizen's booth, on the Waterlooplein market in Amsterdam ... 11h-12h ... 'come rain or come shine' ... [ read more : raudio@cosman's ]

The latest - seventh - edition of Raudio, our no beginning, no end web stream, has been continuously evolving for about two months now, into a brand new 'one audio main thing' made up out of more than one hundred audio~files contributed by some twenty eight audio~philes of some ten different nationalities :: together - without repetitions - summing up to about four hours and a half of pure sound ...

[ This is the second in a series of soundblog entries providing some details for this edition's contributions ... ([prev. | next])

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If your browser comes equipped with a recent Quicktime plugin you may just click this Raudio button. It will open a small pop-up which is nothing short of a 'dedicated Raudio player', that streams the current edition for you while you continue to read the rest of this entry ... ]

espias Música para espías - which means: Music for spies - is was a netlabel run by Fran Ilich, specializing in audio narratives, and based in [... Mexico ...] The Raudio #07 playlist contains three tracks from Ilich Sabotage's Critical Audiology album, all also part of the SpyMusic catalogue. Illich Sabotage "trabaja exclusivamente con ruido, conversaciones grabadas y sintetizadores análogos ..."

From [... Argentina ...] there 's the duo Visteclaro - Leandro Barzabal and Yagui Quintero -, contributing their first ever recorded track,visteclaro 'Alpha', with a fine distant sounding trumpet - or cornet - overlaid by a pretty imposing, ongoing high-ish buzzing sound, that continues to be ... well, yes, something of a nuisance; and no, you cannot get rid of it by shaking your head, or putting a finger in you ear canal and shaking it to unblock the something that's causing it ... it's really something of a - temporary - tinnitus ... (the sound in fact, as Leandro told me, is produced by his broken electric guitar). Leandro also recorded three new tracks especially for this edition of Raudio. Compared to the Visteclaro track ( ), these are denser, darker. Gave them nice and intriguing titles, he did. There's : declare holy war against what we see every day ... and : and i think, it´s a... i don´t... know ... and : walking on foot as an alternative.

[... Spain ...]
From Madrid based Ben Roberts (Eclectiktronik) there are three new energetic turntablism tracks : - buto special, - fûr esther (raudio version), and hummy, i'm home.

[... Australia / France ...]
Australian 'percussionist' Will Guthrie has been living in France for quite a while now. I have had the pleasure of meeting up and recording with Will occasionally in his, say, parisian period. Currently Will is living in Nantes, which makes the meeting and working together somewhat less practical, but I do hope we'll be able to pick some of the things started in the future. Those who have seen him performing and/or heard his recordings will know that 'percussionist' here is a pretty bleak tag, which hardly does justice to the wealth of the 'sonic universe' that Will 'investigates', both live, as an improvisor, and, when recording, in his editing based compositions. Like Seville, his contribution to Raudio #07.
In the duo Charlie Charlie, Will performs and records with Erell Latimer, exploiting the deformation of sounds and language using some of the lo-fi equipment that figures also among my own favorite tools : walkmans, dictaphones ... For Raudio Charlie Charlie recorded a new track: "please," ... it's a gem!

[... France ...]
There are quite some more tracks coming from french soil. (It is but while writing these entries that I fully realize the sheer volume and quality of the contributions to the current stream. It is pretty much impossible to do all of it proper justice in these brief notes. So I really think you should listen. And then listen again. And again.) arnaud riviere Among the earliest french contributions there's a series of four intense, hooky and edgy new recordings by 'metal turntablist' Arnaud Rivière: jeanmathieux, jeanmarc, jeanluc and jeanjean.
As some of you may recall, Arnaud was among the performers at december's Vicky's Mosquitos Special at the Rotonde de Choc.
I guess that, given the obvious context and proximity, it will not surprise you that actually all of december's Vicky players contribute to this Raudio edition.

There are three tracks by Cosmo Helectra: Pocket Gamelan, the field recording based Mortevieille and Tape Hiss. Cosmo presents 'Songs of Praise' (musiques novatrices et insolites), a great weekly radio show, mondays from 19h30 to 21h00, on the parisian associative radio station AligreFM. The main reason for me mentioning this here is the sad fact that, because of measures announced by the french government, it is quite possible that Aligre (indispensable part of the parisian airwaves for almost 25 years) will be forced to shut down, like many other french non commercial radio stations. You - and especially our viewers in France - might want to express support by signing the petitions and attend the rallies and meetings that are organized in order to prevent such a thing from happening ...

E. Rébus contributes five short tracks. Two of these, Dusseldorf and T-coma, are a collaboration with poetess Caroline Nicolas. The other three form sort of a small trilogy, inspired by an online (flash) advertisement for the WellBox 'Body Optimizer' ... "... Who has not dreamt of staying young, to erase the signs of age ? Who has not dreamt of mastering their body ? ..."

FlexRex brings - with Morsure - a tasteful track of rustling electro-acoustics that in built-up and texture continues to remind (me) of some of the pioneer analog electronic music pieces, but that is not easy to pin down. A fine track, as are his two other, more drony, contributions: Nul echo and Spectre.

Even though originally from the [ ... United Kingdom ... ] Mark Webster has been living in France already for such a long time, that I think we may include him in this list of french contributors. The piece Mark composed for this Raudio edition is called aUd 1. It has a melancholy slow feel, layering many different sounds (some come close to the purrs and squeaks I imagine the maybe-once-to-be animals that at times dream I of will make), rhythms and open harmonies ... In the last two-and-a-half minutes of aUd-1 you hear, as yet another layer, the short recording Mark made when we visited the Octopus exhibition earlier this year at the Point Ephémère, of me and others playing with Eric van Osselaer's Tabloscope.

[ ... Switzerland ... ]
Jonas Kocher and Raphael Raccuia, from Bienne/Biel in Switzerland, are Blinde Kinder (helfen bauen), a duo that last year already participated live from Switzerland in our Ameland ZandOog Placard prologue. In their three contributions to Raudio #07 they further develop the use of found phonographic 'curiosities' and 'second hand analog electronics' in the building of caleidoscopic musical montages, with a manifold of cultural/historical connotations, inherent in the often almost painful naivety of 'old' recorded narratives, and the, just as naive, 'whackiness' of measures of popular music from years long gone. Here these pass dreamlike, as in layered sequences of pretty much elusive memories. I find it utterly fascinating how with the passing of time, now, many of these 'popular cultural artifacts' from the, not even so remote, past appear to us as if they were produced by 'blind kids' ... What, all said and done, must account for the aura of deep tragedy that surrounds many of these 'found objects', and, for me, is an important reason so much to cherish them. For, of course, they just go to show, and there's not the slightest doubt, that - here and now - we are just as 'blind/kids' ...

The last weekend of april 'Blinde Kinder' will be in Paris for a couple of days. At the occasion of the 92 hours (web) RADIO event they will perform live at 15h30 on saturday 29 april. I will do the same, some hours later, at 18h45. The day before, on friday april 28th, together with double bass player Jean Bordé, we have planned a joint concert in which we will perform in several 'combinations' at the Atelier Tampon, also in Paris.

Another Raudio contributor, Rinus van Alebeek, is coming to Paris in april as well. Rinus will participate in the first of a series of monthly peripatetic 'at home' concerts that I'm organizing together with Mark Webster. [The series will go by the (pun intended) acronym SADO, for 'Sons à Domicile'. We start on wednesday april 5th, at my place. The second 'soirée SADO' will be in may (headphone concert at Mark's, Paris X). I'll try to get more detailed info out soon, but if you are interested to attend - or (!) host a such event - : please do drop us a line asap.] There's a second parisian concert with Jean Bordé, Rébus and Rinus at Project 101 on friday april 7th, and again together with Rinus, making it into a nice series of 3: on this year's Good Friday we'll perform in cultureel centrum de Nor in Rinus' hometown Heerlen, not far from Maastricht in the Netherlands.

Much looking forward to all of it ...

- to be continued -

[ next related SB-entry: 100+ new (r)audio philes ... (3) :: earlier related SB-entry: 100+ new (r)audio philes ... (1) ]

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