
may 05, 2003.

I have added two new montages to the playlist of the Sound Chronicles, and refreshed the look of the flash-streamer. Of course I do not know about you, but I sure have a weak spot for the pretty drastic lo-fi, mono and doubly mp3-ed by flash, of my little radio, and I actually think that this is the way one should listen to my work, at least to the 'Chronique Sonore'.

SC Radio

Hit the little radio with your mouse to open a new window with the streamer (you need no more than a Flash 4 or more plug-in and a reasonable internet connection.) The new tracks - also up - are called Xcrpt and Pastorale, the first based upon recordings made more than ten years ago, the second using pretty recent ones (last summer, and march 2003). Pastorale, for SC standards, is a long piece, more than eleven minutes, and - also unusual for an SC track - rather of the 'conceptual' sort. You hear me exhanging over une hundred hello's ('Bonjour!') - making for a total of more than two hundred - with fellow walkers that I chanced upon in the French Pyrenees. Most of it was recorded during two one-day long hikes in august 2002. There's a gamelan-like mountain cowbells intro, twice there's a helicopter interlude, a horse back riding group of tourists in a Spanish village, dogs, crickets and a donkey, a slow climbing, then a swift descent...

You can find Pastorale also on this month's playlist of morrei's Better More Radio. New on Better More: darph_nader(-'zero'), Yby Potlatch (with Jan Schellink), the second of three 'Rubratoxins' by OMNID. Back: Larmes de Colère, Mr Nobody, Commodore, Signs & Symptoms. Stayed: Matt Davignon, Bob Sturm.

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