Harsmedia (SoundBlog - Feed and Podcast)

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The Ontological Primacy of Parasitism. An essay in Speculative Parasitology (i)

[February 4, 2025 | #551]
In this paper based upon a Rebus/Har$ presentation at the PoM (Politics of the Machines) 2024 conference in Aachen, Germany, on April 25 2024, we analyse the re-evaluation of parasitism in art and contemporary music as a crucial catalyst for creativity and evolution, emphasizing ideas on the ontological anteriority of the continuous over the discrete, as articulated e.g. in mathematics by Rene Thom.

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[January 20, 2025]
Also by our very small-scale presence on the big social media platforms and interactions with handfuls of friends and acquaintances, we support and sustain the devious selfish actions and political goals of the likes of Mu, Zu, Tru. The price we pay for the free use of X, Meta and related parts of the web got out of bounds. As an alternative, please consider subscribing to my old-school occasional email newsletter to keep in touch.

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'War drift' for violoncello, and other sudoku, latin and costas grids

[January 23, 2025 | #550]
In this new chapter documenting my sudokist dreams and adventures, besides a number of technicalities, there is a detailed description of 'war drift', a sudoku piece for violoncello and voice(s) speaking (Dutch) words, of how to generate 12-sudokus in which all rows (or columns) are costas arrays, and a whole lot of additions to my list with things that one day may be.

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Art History -)) Histoire de l'Art

[July 14, 2022 | #524]
On this year's Bastille Day, 'Histoire de l'Art' became available on the Athens based Coherent States label, with catalogue number CS.44. It can be had as a digital download, but also as a carefully crafted and packed CDr... : "The history of art is a history of repetition. Like the history of man, like the history of worlds." ...

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Berlin: Zero Cohesion (1)

[July 12, 2022 | #523]
Over this year's last weekend of June, we trained over from Paris to Berlin, to partake in Jeff 'Zeromoon' Surak's series of 'Zero Cohesion' events, at Liebig12 in Friedrichshain's Liebigstrasse. The first of 3 'zero-coh unPublics' was the 82nd one, when on the evening of Friday 24th in sound making we united with Jeff Surak and Chester Hawkins.

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[July 02, 2022 | #522]
The 81st unpublic came to be on June 22nd in La Generale Nord-Est, when a group of 12 XPUB artists/students of the Rotterdam Piet Zwart institute were joined by Mr. Lili on violin and me dictaphoning, in an elliptical configuration along which the imaginary hands of a watch (a short one and a long one) erred between 30 randomly picked clock-positions... We thus became Masters of Time... for as long as it lasted

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Awesome Foursomes (vii - 138)

[March 31, 2022 | #520]
"Stduio ookoi" is a musical anthology accompanying the ookoi's writing-in-progress of b.ookoi: an evolving series of sets of 4 tracks ('awesome foursomes') of about average pop hit duration, picked from the vast catalogue of musics that the ookoi, as a duo, individually, or in one or other of their wide range of collaborations and projects, recorded sometime between 1971 and today. "No. 138" is the seventh set, and here's a detailed description for each one of the 4 tracks

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[March 13, 2022 | #519]
A mere day after the onset of the new War of Worlds we gathered in the Espace Vitet (Paris XX) for the 80th unPublic, inspired by the finding of a copy of Isidore Isou's "Manifeste pour une nouvelle psychopathologie et une nouvelle psychotherapie" (1971). History did not end. It just took a turn for the worst... [ a slightly different version of this text can be read (and heard) on Medium/SoundBlog ]

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The Art of K7 :: Sudokaising [ii - Time Folds]

[September 11, 2021 | #513]
This is the second in a series of texts on 'music from sudoku solutions' (music by numbers :-). It accompanies a set of four digital 'sudokaising' albums, that will become available on Bandcamp this autumn. The first volume (release-date: September 27th) is a set of recordings of K7 sudoku's made in 2006 and 2007. The second volume and the third (release-dates: October 9th and 18th) each contain a selection of 14 tracks from the 52 weekly K7 sudoku's that I produced over the year 2020. The fourth upcoming release is the fifth volume in the series (release-date: October 25th). Titled "Sudo, Kiss Me!", it is pure electronic sound, pure sudokism, generated in Sonic Pi using a script that interprets sudoku solution columns and rows as series of durations and series of pitches.

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Time-, for 12 upright piano's

[August 22, 2021 | #512]
The upright piano's may be of any kind. Preferably old, worn, untuned, maybe even no longer 'tune-able'. Objects with their proper, known or unknown, history, with their very 'personal' path through time. The curator / director / organiser of a (series of) 'Time-' performances will start preparing the event by collecting a set of twelve such piano's; like the one my mother left behind, stored now in a garagebox within a stone's throw of my apartment.

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